Xov xwm

  • Qhov txawv ntawm AOI thiab AXI

    Kev tshuaj ntsuam xyuas X-ray (AXI) yog ib qho kev siv tshuab raws li cov hauv paus ntsiab lus xws li automated optical inspection (AOI).Nws siv X-rays raws li nws qhov chaw, es tsis txhob pom lub teeb, kom tau txais kev tshuaj xyuas cov yam ntxwv, uas feem ntau muab zais los ntawm kev pom.Kev soj ntsuam X-ray tuaj yeem siv dav hauv ...
    Nyeem ntxiv
  • Automated optical soj ntsuam (AOI)

    Automated optical inspection (AOI) yog ib qho kev tshuaj xyuas qhov muag pom ntawm cov ntawv luam tawm Circuit Board (PCB) (lossis LCD, transistor) tsim khoom qhov twg lub koob yees duab autonomously scans lub cuab yeej nyob rau hauv kev sim rau ob qho tib si kev puas tsuaj loj (xws li cov khoom uas ploj lawm) thiab qhov tsis zoo (xws li fillet loj. los yog shape or com...
    Nyeem ntxiv
  • NDT yog dab tsi?

    NDT yog dab tsi?Lub teb ntawm Nondestructive Testing (NDT) yog qhov dav heev, kev sib koom tes ua haujlwm uas ua lub luag haujlwm tseem ceeb hauv kev ua kom ntseeg tau tias cov khoom siv thiab cov tshuab ua lawv txoj haujlwm hauv kev txhim khu kev qha thiab raug nqi zoo.NDT cov kws tshaj lij thiab cov kws tshaj lij txhais thiab siv t...
    Nyeem ntxiv
  • NDE yog dab tsi?

    NDE yog dab tsi?Nondestructive evaluation (NDE) yog ib lo lus uas feem ntau siv interchangeably nrog NDT.Txawm li cas los xij, technically, NDE yog siv los piav txog kev ntsuas uas muaj ntau ntau hauv cov xwm txheej.Piv txwv li, NDE txoj kev yuav tsis tsuas yog nrhiav qhov tsis xws luag, tab sis nws kuj yuav raug siv los ntsuas qee qhov ...
    Nyeem ntxiv
  • Muaj kev suav tomography (CT) scanning

    Kev lag luam suav tomography (CT) scanning yog cov txheej txheem hauv computer-aided tomographic, feem ntau X-ray suav tomography, uas siv irradiation los tsim peb-dimensional sab hauv thiab sab nraud sawv cev ntawm cov khoom scanned.Muaj CT scanning tau siv nyob rau hauv ntau qhov chaw ntawm kev lag luam f ...
    Nyeem ntxiv
  • Mineral Casting Guide

    Mineral Casting, qee zaum hu ua granite composite lossis polymer-bonded ntxhia casting, yog kev tsim cov khoom siv uas yog ua los ntawm epoxy resin combining cov ntaub ntawv xws li cement, granite minerals, thiab lwm yam ntxhia hais.Thaum lub sij hawm cov ntxhia casting txheej txheem, cov ntaub ntawv siv rau lub zog ...
    Nyeem ntxiv
  • Granite Precision Cheebtsam rau Metrology

    Granite Precision Cheebtsam rau Metrology Hauv qeb no koj tuaj yeem nrhiav tau tag nrho cov qauv granite precision ntsuas ntsuas: granite nto phaj, muaj nyob rau hauv ntau qib ntawm qhov tseeb (raws li ISO8512-2 tus qauv lossis DIN876/0 thiab 00, rau cov cai granite - ob qho tib si linear lub fl...
    Nyeem ntxiv
  • Precision hauv kev ntsuas thiab tshuaj ntsuam technologies thiab tshwj xeeb lub hom phiaj engineering

    Granite yog synonymous nrog unshakable zog, ntsuas cov cuab yeej ua los ntawm granite yog synonymous nrog siab tshaj plaws ntawm precision.Txawm tias tom qab ntau tshaj 50 xyoo ntawm kev paub nrog cov khoom no, nws muab peb cov laj thawj tshiab kom txaus siab rau txhua hnub.Peb cov lus cog tseg zoo: ZhongHui ntsuas cov cuab yeej ...
    Nyeem ntxiv
  • ZhongHui Precision Granite Manufacturing Solution

    Txawm hais tias lub tshuab, khoom siv lossis cov khoom siv ib leeg: Txhua qhov chaw muaj kev ua raws li micrometers, koj yuav pom cov tshuab racks thiab cov khoom siv ua los ntawm ntuj granite.Thaum lub siab tshaj plaws ntawm precision yog yuav tsum tau, ntau yam khoom siv (xws li steel, cam khwb cia hlau, yas los yog ...
    Nyeem ntxiv
  • Teb chaws Europe Loj tshaj M2 CT System Hauv Kev Tsim Kho

    Feem ntau ntawm Industrial CT muaj Granite Structure.Peb tuaj yeem tsim granite tshuab hauv paus sib dhos nrog cov ntsia hlau thiab ntsia hlau rau koj cov kev cai X RAY thiab CT.Optotom thiab Nikon Metrology yeej qhov kev sib tw rau kev xa ib lub hnab ntawv loj X-ray Computed Tomography system rau Kielce University of Technology thiab ...
    Nyeem ntxiv
  • Complete CMM Machine and Measurement Guide

    Ua kom tiav CMM Tshuab thiab ntsuas ntsuas

    CMM tshuab yog dab tsi?Xav txog lub tshuab CNC-style muaj peev xwm ua qhov ntsuas qhov tseeb hauv txoj kev ua haujlwm siab heev.Qhov ntawd yog qhov CMM Machines ua!CMM stands rau "Coordinate Measuring Machine".Tej zaum lawv yog qhov kawg 3D ntsuas cov cuab yeej nyob rau hauv cov nqe lus ntawm lawv ua ke ntawm tag nrho cov f ...
    Nyeem ntxiv
  • Cov khoom siv feem ntau ntawm CMM

    Nrog rau kev txhim kho ntawm lub tshuab ntsuas kev sib koom tes (CMM) thev naus laus zis, CMM tau siv ntau thiab ntau dua.Vim tias cov qauv thiab cov khoom siv ntawm CMM muaj kev cuam tshuam zoo rau qhov raug, nws yuav tsum tau ua ntau dua.Hauv qab no yog qee yam khoom siv hauv tsev.1. Cam khwb cia hlau ...
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